About Us

The Festus Special Road District (F.S.R.D.) located at 1003 Airport Rd. Festus Missouri was incorporated on October 12th 1904.

We are a local county government organization which operates under section 233 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.

The district covers 7 square miles in the south eastern part of unincorporated and incorporated Jefferson County with approximately 35 unincorporated road miles. Cities included in this area are Crystal City, Festus, Herculaneum and Pevely.

Note: The district does not maintain any roads/streets within an Incorporated City Limit



All major road construction jobs are typically subcontracted out through a bidding process.​

The district utilizes professional help as necessary such as Engineers, Lawyers, Contractors etc. to ensure a safe and quality job is started and finished on time. F.S.R.D. always tries to use local businesses and contractors whenever financially possible.​

  • Issues Reported
  • Bidding Process
  • Repairs / Upgrades Started
  • Project Completion

Covering 7 Square Miles Of
Incorporated Jefferson County


How We Help

What We Do

The F.S.R.D. aids cities in their district by supplying equipment usage, manpower and other help as necessary. The F.S.R.D. considers itself a road maintenance district, but has the ability to do minor road construction.

Our Mission

The F.S.R.D. has a goal, which is to maintain a safe, clean, well maintained roadway and achieve this in the most safest and efficient manner.

Tax Rate

The tax rate for the Special Road District is 14% lower than the remaining Jefferson County area. All residence of Jefferson County pay County Road Tax for maintaining roadways through Real Estate and Personal Property, if the F.S.R.D. didn’t exist, those taxpayers that currently pay County Road Tax to the F.S.R.D. would pay the Jefferson County Public Works higher tax rate.

Safety First

The F.S.R.D. has had 0 lost time work accidents in the last 17 years, which has saved the district more than $29,000.00 in insurance premiums alone.

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